It is two years after the events of AD 64 that scattered our characters to different corners of the Empire. In Pompeii a veteran soldier begins to make a living selling wine, while a freedwoman tries to find the money to buy her son’s freedom. In Carthage, a married couple dreams of having children, and in Rome an ambitious young man receives an unexpected promotion from the emperor. An exiled Christian woman in Ephesus finds her calling as a doctor. What role will these different people play in the events leading to the death of an emperor? And will the Suburani find their way home?
Book 2 completes the story of Book 1 in 16 chapters (Chapters 17 to 32) and is suitable for one-to-two years of study.
The Eduqas Latin GCSE language prescription is completed by the end of Chapter 26, and the OCR Latin GCSE language prescription by the end of Chapter 32.
ISBN 978-1-912870-04-2
320 pages